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The Voice of People With Breast Cancer


Our Voices Blog

An app that helps you during your treatment and beyond

Self-care during treatment is so important for maintaining not only a good quality of life but your sanity as well. From doctors appointments, to managing the emotional aspects of a breast cancer diagnosis, there’s a lot to juggle. We’re excited to announce our new partnership with Self Care Catalysts and our Health Storylines mobile app.

This app will allow you to access credible breast cancer related information and education, while also using it as a self-management tool. You’ll be able to track your daily health metrics, journal about your experiences, and find educational information to help you better manage and prepare for every stage of your treatment journey. Our SurgeryGuide decision aid and our blog are easily accessible for you to find the information you need. You can also customize the app to include tools that are important to you. These tools can include a medication tracker with reminders, a symptom tracker, a mood tracker, and more.

The Health Storylines app is free to use, and it provides you with an opportunity become your own advocate. By using the app, patients contribute real world evidence to help create a better understanding of their health condition and experiences to patient-focused research organizations. All data that users contribute are anonymized and de-identified, meaning your data cannot be linked back to you.

It’s easy to download and set up. Find the free Health Storylines app in the Apple App Store or Google Play Story today and enter your organization as the Canadian Breast Cancer Network during the signup process. If you already have the Health Storylines app installed, you can add us as an organization in the “my profile” section.

About Self Care Catalysts

Self Care Catalysts is a patient analytics and solutions company that empowers patients to generate real world evidence while managing their personal health. They have developed a platform that allows stakeholders across the healthcare industry, including patients, care-givers, physicians, researchers and pharmaceutical industry professionals, to better understand the real day-to-day lives of patients as they navigate their health concerns. The platform collects multiple types of data to enable multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder research that aligns with the 21st Century Cures Act and the FDA’s growing emphasis on patient-focused drug development.

The views and experiences expressed through personal stories on Our Voices Blog are those of the authors and their lived experiences. They do not necessarily reflect the position of the Canadian Breast Cancer Network. The information provided has not been medically reviewed and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the guidance of your healthcare team when considering your treatment plans and goals.