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The Voice of People With Breast Cancer


Our Voices Blog

Research Roundup: April

Here are some highlights from the latest in breast cancer research:

  1. New research gives insights into how breast cancer spreads
    A small study has found that when breast cancer spreads it is often driven by multiple genes suggesting that it may be beneficial to use multiple drugs to treat the cancer. Another major finding showed that many of the genes that cause the primary cancer could also be responsible for the spread of the cancer. Read more 
  2. New statement from American cardiologists’ highlights risks of heart disease from certain breast cancer treatments
    Some chemotherapies can lead to an increased risk of heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases years after treatment. While they are not recommending for women to avoid these treatments, the American Heart Association wants women to be aware of these risks to help prevent or lessen future heart disease complications. Read more 
  3. Taking multivitamins may help reduce side effects of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN)
    In a large study of breast cancer patients, researchers found that for people that took multivitamins regularly before diagnosis suffered less from CIPN, a common side effect of chemotherapy. They also found, to a lesser extent, similar outcomes for people who took multivitamins during chemotherapy treatment. Read more 
  4. Researchers have discovered 110 genes linked to an increased risk in breast cancer
    In the most comprehensive study ever completed they were able to analyse genes that interact with DNA regions linked to breast cancer. They also have connected 32 of these genes to the length of time women survive breast cancer. This discovery could lead to new genetic testing that can predict risk and more targeted treatments. Read more 
  5. Post-menopausal or ER+ DCIS breast cancer patients at lower risk of recurrence
    In new research presented at the 11th European Breast Cancer Conference, patients with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) are at a lowered risk of recurring if they are post-menopausal or if their cancer is estrogen receptor positive (ER+). Although risk of recurrence is relatively low overall for DCIS patients, these factors could lead to further research to see if less aggressive treatment is possible. Read more 
  6. Promising new data for treatment in inflammatory breast cancer
    A small phase I trial for patients with inflammatory or locally recurrent breast cancer receiving radiation in combination with veliparib after surgery resulted in low rates of severe toxicity following treatment. The trial did see a higher rate of adverse events 3 years after treatment, however, identifying the need for long-term monitoring. Read more

Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash

The views and experiences expressed through personal stories on Our Voices Blog are those of the authors and their lived experiences. They do not necessarily reflect the position of the Canadian Breast Cancer Network. The information provided has not been medically reviewed and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the guidance of your healthcare team when considering your treatment plans and goals.